General rules regarding the Tanzmaus
- Every participating team that is eligible is automatically registered for the Tanzmaus
- To be eligible, a team must consist of at least 10 Breitensport starting positions in the Breitensport qualification round
- Starting positions are counted per person, per discipline
- Teams that are not eligible on their own, may combine to form a larger team
- A combined team may not be bigger than the largest uncombined team
- A combined team has to be registered before midnight on Friday evening
- Points for the Tanzmaus can be earned in 2 categories and will be added together:
- Tournament results (weighed by team size in Breitensport)
- Volunteering hours (weighed by total team size )
- Time spent as an adjudicator is not considered for volunteering points for the Tanzmaus
- Time spent as an First Aid officer or Emergency Response Officer is not considered for volunteering points for the Tanzmaus
- Super volunteers are not competitors, and do not contribute towards the Tanzmaus points for a team
Calculation of points
Dancing points + Volunteering points = total mause points per team
Points per start: breitensport couple can receive points per start
- Enthusiasts = 0
- Amateurs = 5
- Professionals = 10
- Masters = 15
- Champions = 20
- Legends = 25
+ 10 points first ETDS bonus if a dancer competes for the first time
+ 1 point per defeated couple in the dancer’s own class
+ 10 points blind date bonus (if the couple is a blind date couple by choice)
Above points combined is the total points per dancer.
DANCING POINTS = total points for all breitensport dancers / number of individual breitensport starts.
+ 10 points for each volunteering hour
OHHs are not included. A maximum of 50 points (5h) can be awarded
-50 points when the team didn’t fill the OHHs
If there are still OHHs left unfilled and your team has not reached its quota, a score of -50 is used instead.
VOLUNTEERING POINTS = total volunteering points for the team / number of team members.